Austin Urban Gardens

Raised Bed Gardening and Eating Well in Austin, Texas

Spring, raised gardens, and peach blossoms March 22, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — austinurbangardens @ 2:15 pm

I love Spring! The oak trees I planted in the fall are budding. I dutifully watered them all winter and now its paying off. The raised garden is so full of onions, lettuce, tomatos, strawberries and potatoes, there is no more room. The peppers and herbs and more lettuce are all in pots. My patio peach tree has the most gorgeous pink blossoms on it. The lime tree is covered in flowers which are feeding the bees. Bees! That’s a good thing. Bees pollinate and they were hard to find last year. Speaking of peach blossoms, we drove to Fredericksburg yesterday just to get away. The acres of peach orchards in Stonwall are all covered in various shades of pink blossoms. Its a site to see. Spring rocks!


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